The Twilight Walk 2016

Last year my family and I completed the Twilight Walk in Chester which is run by The Brain Tumour Charity, and were even more determined to complete it again this year. (Find last years blog post here).


For weeks I had been worrying about doing this walk, as I knew that this year it would be especially tough (..emotionally, as physically it wasn't a humongous challenge - yet I'm certain my Uncle Paul will disagree). The thing is, you can tell yourself countless times that you're going to be strong, yet sometimes your emotions really do just get the better of you. You can't prepare yourself for anything, which is a lesson I have learnt this year, and you never know when your grief is going to hit you.

I think what got me so upset was the fact that I was surrounded by people who have been affected by brain tumours - either they had been personally affected themselves, or they had watched someone they love and admire fight this strenuous battle. A room filled with pain, grief and heartbreak, but the atmosphere was just indescribable. The strength that all of the people taking part in the walk had was tremendously inspirational, and I was honoured to be walking amongst them.

Now, lets move on from the doom and gloom - because that's not what this blog is about. Positive thinking and making the best of things is what I want to encompass here ... so let's begin.

I mention this is pretty much every single post, but I can't stress the importance of it enough. The people you surround yourself with can either make or break you. My fantastic friends and family joined me in Chester and I genuinely could not be more grateful that they were there. Their support is endless, and they can make me laugh and smile even when I feel like that isn't even possible.

Chester is a beautiful, beautiful place and luckily the weather stayed clear for about 90% of the walk - apart from a 15 minute blast of rain, which all added to the fun. Walking and talking made the stroll feel like it lasted about .23422 seconds, but mainly because I was surrounded by such lighthearted and hilarious conversation (which I wish I could transcribe here, but it's far too rude).

A rainbow appeared in the sky, and I know for a fact that it was all of our loved ones looking down on us with a smile (and perhaps a laugh due to the fact that we were soaked through). I know for a fact that Georgina is going to be getting angry at this point, so I would just like to clarify that she did give me her raincoat, and it was very much appreciated! What are best friends for, hey?

At the end of the walk we were cheered on by the many amazing volunteers who had given up their Sunday to help make this event possible. The way they encouraged you was as if you had walked Kilimanjaro, which the way my Uncle acted after the walk was finished - you would've thought we did. 'Can we get a taxi home?' was amongst the reoccuring whining but, like a true Fallon, he eventually built up enough strength to proceed with the five minute journey home (on foot!!!) and I am immensely proud of him.

Free coffee and cake, and a live band was blasting fantastic renditions of absolute BANGERS was waiting for us at the venue and finish the evening off perfectly ... However, I am slightly disappointed that Abba wasn't covered, but I guess Bon Jovi made up for that!

(Excuse the shocking quality... and language - Alice aka Potty Mouth)

To round this off, a day which started with immense sadness finished with copious amounts of joy and laughter, and I am determined to volunteer to help out at this event next year. I would just like to thank everybody who walked in memory of Luke, and also the volunteers who made the Twilight Walk possible. I cannot begin to express my gratitude, and am looking forward to seeing you next year!

Grace x


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